Park Conservator (a new level of support for our neighborhood)
With the aim of expanding efforts to preserve our glorious island trees, the Park’s Neighborhood Association has received a $5,000 gift to start a dedicated Tree Fund. On top of this initial gift, we also have a $10,000, dollar-for-dollar matching gift on offer from two SMP neighbors if Park residents help build this Tree Fund. These new Park Conservators will soon be listed on this page alongside their donation amount. You can now donate at 3 Park Conservator levels via PayPal, or donate any other amount over $1,000 by mailing us a check. See donation page here.
More info here.
Thank you for your support!
We are collecting 2019 dues now.
The families and individuals below generously contributed this year (updated 12-08-19).
List of 2018 donors appears here.
McLaren Park Patrons
$200 Donation Level
Melinda Adams
Vince Anicetti
Robert Baumann
Mufaddal Bootwala
Kimberly Bottoms
Jennifer Buckley
Janet Chapman
Michael & Carol Cohen
Alexis & David Colker
John & Brideen Connolly
Ruthmary & John Cradler
Kurt and Julie de Grosz
Kirk DeClark
Angela Deng & Ye Li
Marc & Susan Desautels
Andrea Dover
Jeffie W. Feakins
Cecilia Frew
Margaret Galletti
Linda M Gemello
Robert Gilmartin
Mark & Martha Greenough
Jeff Heimbuck
Gerald Hill
Bruce & Patricia Hraba
James Isaacs
Allison Keenan
Sue & Bill Kenney
Bradley Klingenberg
Don & Flo Kristofferson
Alice Kubler
Joe & Donna Lanam
Joseph Lanam
Patricia Mayer
Peter & Virginia McIsaac
Stuart & Meg McLaoughlin
Vicki McWilliams & Mike McCook
Amalia Mendez
Aubrey Obata
Elizabeth Moore & Roger Owner
Andrea O'Riordan
Kim Palmer Designs
Saswati Paul
Pizzi Family
Scott Poms
David Pritchard
James D Reimann
N. D'Arcy Roche & Stephanie Twomey Roche
Dan Scheinman
John Schulz
Doug & Judy Sobolik
Cathy and Sean Stannard-Stockton
Kimball Statler
Bob Whitehill
Laura Winfrey & Doug Grigsby
Patricia Zablock-Macy
Todd & Linda Zucker
McLaren Members
$100 Donation Level
Mary & Horst Adam
Inger Agorio
Thomas Ames
Modell Marlow Andersen
Don & Louise Arata
Colleen Berube
Andre Bessette
Judy & Roland Bianchi
Virginia Blahut
Ron & Elaina Bland
Patricia Blee
Robert Boesch
Megan & Mike Bohnert
Alden & Marianne Briscoe
Carol Murphy & Bruce Blumberg
Tish and Jim Busselle
Paul & Anne Carella
Juliet Dankmeyer
Wayne & Roxana Del Carlo
Barbara Engler
Robert and Susan Fernandez
Sam & Mary Folsom
Shelly Frisbie
Gap matching gift
Margaret Handlery
Debbie Harrison
Dominique Irvine
Donald Jaffe
Rick & Judy Kell
Bruce I Kirschner
Marion Kullberg
Lester Liu
Mark Lowpensky
Sharon Marson
Eileen McKague
Mary Ann & Neil Waldo
Liz & Tom O'Connor
Jim and Linda O'keefe
Frans Op den Kamp
Joan Haller Parmer
Barbara, Jonathan & Patricia Huddleson
The Perks Family
Christine & Frank Regan
Cindy R. Reinertson
Pamela Royer
Matthew Schroth
Ida Sim
Whitney M. Simonds
Cynthia Smith
Jack & Cathy Stanghellini
Ron & Faye Starr
Tom & Joanne Stodgel
Timothy Stretch
Roger Testa
Chad Thomas
Tiner Financial Services
Shannon & Paul Varunok
Genie & Paul Watermulder
LeeAnn Weeks
Howard & Margaret Weiland
Andrea Willett
Megan Winters
Stephen & Eleanor Yuen
Park Supporters
$50 Donation Level
Tom Ames
Nancy Baleix
David & Mary Balestrieri
Betty Bernstein
Carlene & Allen Brasel
Tom & Brenda Carlson
Timothy and Karen Catlin
Anna Marie Cronin
Lois Crotty
Olga Dargham
Audry D'Elia
Jacqueline Devgan
Shannon Durnin
Diane Elcan
Madalyn Fitzpatrick
Robert Fucilla & Patricia Georges
Kirsten Garen
Darren Gold
Steven Green
Tom Heaton
Lucy Heller
Ken & Patty Howarth
Luis & Kathi Inglesias
Michael James
Jacqueline James
Joanne Jordon
Tom & Tammy Kiely
Roger & Sally Krakow
Siuling Ku
John D. Long
Melissa Matross
Al & Miek McCubbin
Carolyn & Allan McCune
Jean McLaughlin
Greg Melvin
Bob & Cindy Mendoza
Ann & John Murray
Pat Pepper
Karin Rehder
Diana Rilliet
Ruth Larsen Scammon
Constance Sevier
Stephanie Smeriglio
Lisa & Rob Stanton
Brendan's Store
Michael Strambi
Katie Tolve
David Villongco
Bob & Lili Walker
Thomas J Weissmiller
Laurence Whitehead
Harry Yen
Hanna Zanoni
Donor List Notes:
These lists include those who contributed during calendar year 2019. Our apologies if we’ve made any errors or omissions.
Not all of the above names have been scrubbed to ensure the appropriate name is used for acknowledgements. Especially in the case of paypal donations (which we like), we do not always receive complete information at time of donation.
You will be receiving your donation receipt by the end of 2019 at which time we will verify the appropriate acknowledgement names.
Recognition level may be adjusted if multiple payments affect the donation level.
Questions? Catch a mistake? Want to learn more about the Tree Fund and Conservator donor level? Please contact your volunteer board at board@sanmateopark.org
Thank you!