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San Mateo Police (Non-Emergency): (650) 522-7700

San Mateo City Services and general info:


Earthquake Preparedness:


San Mateo County's Alert System:


Fire Department Dispatch:


San Mateo County Sheriff:


San Mateo Crime Map:


CERT – Community Emergency Response Team:


Recology garbage recycling:


Cal Water:


Pacific Gas & Electric:






As recommended by SMPD


  • Enter the SMPD phone number on your cell phone (650.522.7700) and use even for emergencies.  Otherwise, cell calls might be routed to Burlingame, Hillsborough, etc.

  • Call this non-emergency number when visited by solicitors.

  • Register your external cameras with the police.  In case of an incident, they will know which nearby neighbors have cameras, and will ask permission to view your saved images.

  • Dogs are a good deterrent to intruders!

  • Even if you don’t want to answer the door, let a “visitor” know someone’s home.

  • Register every incident online, even if you didn’t call police at the time.  An incident database is used to determine number of police patrol resources assigned to our area.

  • There are 14-15 officers covering our district (downtown north, west of freeway), with 2-3 officers on patrol at any given time during day shifts, 3-4 at night.

  • Lock car doors, whether they are parked on the street or in your driveway.

  • Keep your eyes open for anything unusual - if you see something, say something.





San Mateo Crime Graphics Map











Construction noise is restricted to the following hours:

  • not before 7 am nor after 7 pm on weekdays

  • not before 9 am nor after 5 pm on Saturdays

  • not before noon nor after 4 pm on Sundays

  • for more detailed information on construction codes, visit here.

  • leaf blowers are restricted to the following hours:

    • not before 8 am nor after 5 pm on weekdays

    • not before 9 am nor after 5 pm on Saturdays

    • never on Sundays, nor on 9 specified national holidays

  • Read San Mateo's PSA on leaf blowing.





At a previous Park Association meeting (October 2015), a concerned homeowner brought up the issue of speeding on Poplar Avenue.  


  • We requested a radar trailer posted for a week to monitor the traffic patterns and speed. 

  • The city responded quickly and a radar trailer was posted the week of October 26-30.  The radar unit records the first time it sees a vehicle. Cars may be speeding up by the time you’ve seen them but the software records the first shot it sees.  

  • Approximately 25% are exceeding the speed limit — however not as much as we may have perceived.

  • The San Mateo Public Works technician's observation was that the speeds measured were within reason. It is mostly the local residents with maybe some cars from Hillsborough. 

  • The volume is higher at 183 Poplar vs. 321 Poplar which means perhaps more Park School traffic. 

San Mateo Crime Map.JPG

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© 2024 San Mateo Park Neighborhood Assn.

Contact the SMPNA Board

 P.O. Box 1271, San Mateo, CA 94401

Federal Tax ID: 56-2631949

501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit

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