2020 Donor List
The families and individuals below generously contributed in 2020.
Thank you for your support!
McLaren Park Patrons
$200 Donation Level
Rakhi & Ganesh Bell
David & Jeanne Black
Marilee Brooks and Greg Beall
Anne & Ian Benham
Tom & Brenda Carlson
Paul & Janet Chapman
Zuling Deng & Ye Li
Alexander & Heather Doll
Greg Dorn & Ken Wanzer
Barbara Engler
Sumita & Michael Fleming
Glendon & Gayle French
Linda & John Gemello
Martha & Mark Greenough
Isaacs-Mailliard Family
Suzanne Juptner & Mark Frappier
Bill & Susan Kenney
Todd Kim & Tracy Chiao
Don & Flo Kristofferson
Alice Kubler & Joerg Michelfelder
Clifford & Penny Kupperberg
Mark & Caroline Lowpensky
Joe Matt & Hillary Chen
Steve & Patty Mayer
Scott & Lee Manus-McNutt
Stuart, Meg McLaughlan
Amalia Mendez
Carol Murphy & Bruce Blumberg
James Reimann
Andrea & Tim O'Riordan
James & Kathleen Paver
Steve & Patty Porter
Susan & Joe Ryan
Zoe and Dan Scheinman
John Schulz & Barbara Eisenhauer
Douglas & Lee Shult
Robert & Kristi Spence
Cathy & Jack Stanghellini
Catherine Stannard-Stockton
Ron & Faye Star
Nancy & Gary Steele
Alois & Irene Stock
David & Nicole Tateosian
Brad & Lynn Tuthill
Neil & Mary Ann Waldo
Jonathan & Carol Werner
Stephen Jones & Alicia Woodfall-Jones
William Lee Yang
Roger & Sally Krakow
Al & Miek McCubbin
Cassie & Harry Sharp
Daniel & Julie Switky
Melchior & Nell Lee Thompson
Eleanor & Stephen Yuen
McLaren Members
$100 Donation Level
Horst & Mary Adam
Thomas Ames
Judy & Roland Bianchi
Virginia Blahut
Ron & Elaina Bland
Robert Boesch
David, Kimberly Bottoms
Alden & Marianne Briscoe
Steve & Patty Carlson
Anna Cronin
Lois Crotty
Bruce & Carla Dannels
Roxana Del Carlo
Paul & Carolina Depond
Susan & Marc Desautels
Michael Drennan & Linda Koo
Stuart & Ellen Dudley
Ron & Joyce Eicher
Barbara Engler
Barbara Engler
Robert & Patricia Frates
Hartmut Koeppen & Alexandra Gillen
Sally Puccini & Rick Gostyla
Linda & Leo Gotelli
Joan Grant & Reinhard Weiser
Sergei & Marina Gryaznov
Debbie & Mike Harrison
Philip & Diane Hertz
Meg & Mike Horrigan
Luis & Kathi Iglesias
Lester Liu & Jane Kang
Charles & Elladene Katz
Judith & Richard Kell
Tom & Tammy Kiely
Aleks Krumins & Heather Gilmartin
Lynnie & Larry Laks
Paul Carella & Anne Larsen
Amy Laughlin
Sheryl Li and Chihpo Wen
Nancy Martin & Tim Tosta
George & Ann Mitchell
Stephen & Catherine Nessier
Andrea & Tim O'Riordan
Michael & Lidia Petersen
Rodney & Vicky Prezeau
Frank & Christine Regan
Ray & Cindy Reinertson
Cynthia Smith
David & Isabel Villongco
Noel Walters
John & Mary Ward
Paul & Eugenia Watermulder
LeeAnn & Bob Weeks
William & Barbara White
Mary Ying Wong
Park Supporters
$50 Donation Level
Nancy Baleix
Betty Bernstein
Carlene & Allen Brasel
Frank & Nancy Carraro
Timothy & Karen Catlin
Ron & Marilyn Chiappari
Ken & Karen Ditty
Pierre Dupont
Diane Elcan
Enrique & Amy Figueroa
Nancy Frank
Robert Fucilla & Patricia Georges
Suzanne Gibbs
Ken & Patty Howarth
Jacqueline James
Jennifer & Craig Jory
Kiyoshi & Marilyn Kimura
Connie Larios & James Lynch
Linda & Alan Merrifield
Mark & Joanna Penner
Pat Pepper
Cliff Robbins & Margie Shafer
Alison & Ken Ross
Ruth Larsen Scammon
Robert & Lisa Stanton
Henry & Jeanette Stumpf
Susan Tiner
Helen Wagner
Laurence Whitehead
On behalf of the SMPNA Board and our entire neighborhood,
Thank you!
In addition to their SMPNA membership, below are the generous neighbors who have donated to the