Financial Status

Donations as of November 18, 2018
One critical item is the need for a year-end donation boost similar to what we experienced last year. The following reflects our income statement as of 11/03/18 for this year to date:
Watering program 8,882
Island maintenance 4,240
Island improvements 6,528
Communications, Admin 3,431
Total expenditures, 2018 est. 23,081
Donations YTD (11/3/18) 17,485
2018 Deficit YTD ($5,596)
We increased our expenditures to implement island improvements, knowing we would exceed our income for the year and whittle down our resources, now at $31,000. We had a fundraising goal of $21,000. We are now at $17,000. We’re hoping to raise another $4,000 by year end. Many of you have already donated in 2018. Thanks! If you don’t see your name on the donor’s list below and would like to donate, please visit our Contribute Page. All donations qualify as charitable contributions: Federal Tax ID 56-2631949. SMPNA is in good standing with the IRS. List of 2018 Donors as of Nov 18, 2018
Board membership has diminished over the past few years. We are now working with only 5 members. Please consider helping in any of the following ways:
Help on a one-time project to benefit the Park (3-6 hours)
Serve on an SMPNA committee on a topic of interest to you (2-3 hours/month for 3-6 months)
Serve on the SMPNA Board (4-8 hours per month)
Let us know if you can help, or if there’s any situation in San Mateo Park you’d like to see improved by contacting Board@SanMateoPark.org.
Thank you for supporting our great neighborhood!
Islands Chair Linda Bogue summarized the island improvements accomplished this year, thanks to an investment of $6,500 from our members’ donations. Nine islands had blighted trees removed and, where appropriate, new trees were planted. One island was completely refurbished. For a complete report, please see page 3 of our June 2018 Newsletter.
We have a new arrangement with the City for regular deliveries of chips to our islands. This shows promise for minimizing the patchiness or bare ground we have seen among our islands as their chips degrade, and so improving their appearance. Expect those piles of chips to be spread within a few weeks following delivery.
Recent Annual Meeting attendees gave us some helpful feedback about their priorities for future island improvements. In general, maintenance efforts (such as a program to prune accumulated deadwood from island trees) were preferred over improvement projects (such as planting street trees at the lower ends of W. Bellevue, W. Poplar and Hilltop, where apartment frontages lack them).
Over time, SMPNA projects have preserved original species and added variety among our islands by giving trees such as magnolias, dawn redwoods, and California peppers their own islands. We also have restored 23 (of our 62) islands toward single species groves as John McLaren originally intended. Thanks to our members’ support, we continue to improve our street and island tree landscapes via projects such as these that go beyond the services the City provides.
The City is seeking support from neighborhoods for its meetings on the General Plan update. San Mateo Park and Baywood residents are invited to attend the following session:
San Mateo Library, 55 W 3rd Ave, Oak Room 1st floor
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 6:00 PM/8:45 PM
The General Plan is the primary policy document that represents the community’s long-term vision for the future and provides the framework or blueprint to guide future decisions regarding growth, sustainability and conservation over the next 20 years.
We hope the Park and our interests will be well represented!
SMPNA spent a great deal of time during the Spring working with San Mateo Public Works as they developed an ordinance to regulate installations of Cell towers here.
At our Fall 2018 General Meeting, Danielle Moskowitz, Park resident and President of San Mateo Citizens for a Safe Environment, spoke about continuing efforts to minimize cell tower installations. She registered dissatisfaction with the city's early lack of transparency in developing the ordinance and called for comprehensive citizen engagement.
Brad Underwood, Public Works Dir., Tracy Scramaglia, Senior Civil Engineer and Gabrielle Whelan, Assistant City Attorney spoke about the ordinance and how we will move forward to address problems or concerns with new tower installations. There were a number of questions raised at the meeting that we submitted to Public Works, requesting that they post responses to their website. Details can be found on the City’s website.
The PW presentation to SMPNA on October 25 can be found here: SMPWcellSMPNA
Sergeant Amanda VonGlahn reminded us of all the actions we can take to keep safe. San Mateo Park is extremely safe compared to the rest of San Mateo. However, vigilance protects us all. Traffic Sergeant Shannon Hagan discussed the crime statistics the city tracks. Our local patrol officer is Todd Medford. Here are contact details:
SHagan@cityofsanmateo.org 650-522-7745
Review police safety tips.
Get crime notifications.
Cristina Haley thanked everyone for online comments about traffic and litter and committed to addressing these issues. She welcomes and encourages feedback from neighbors. Park School recently won an award for their school garden. Congrats!
PTA President Lisa Warren (lwarren@yahoo.com) said teachers are always happy for classroom and garden volunteers and encouraged neighbors to contact the school at 650.312.7577 if they have any interest.
Visit Park School’s Facebook page.